In this section you will find the background research for your assigned topics, as well as information on your committee. Simply click the "Topic A" or "Topic B" buttons to download the PDFs.​


Addressing the Impact of Gun Violence on Child Welfare and Education in the United States

Protecting Children from Cyberbullying and Promoting Safe Digital Environments


Preventing future economic setbacks due to global health crises

Addressing food insecurity in Gaza and neighbouring countries

Human Rights

Combating Modern Slavery and Exploitation Among Tribal Populations in India

Safeguarding Human Rights in Peaceful Protests and Assemblies


Addressing Barriers to Women’s Leadership and Political Participation in the Middle East and North Africa

Addressing Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Women in Latin America and the Caribbean


Addressing the ethical implications of AI and emerging technologies in modern warfare


Addressing the impact of organized crime in Latin America

Lack of Water Security in the Northeastern African Region Due To The Nile Basin Conflict

Agricultural risks due to long-term climate change in Latin America


Ensuring Equitable Access to Essential Medicines in Sub-Saharan Africa

Addressing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Latin America


Addressing the Global Synthetic Drug Crisis: Prevention and Law Enforcement Strategies

Enhancing Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Programs for Drug Offenders in North America

General Assembly

Addressing Economic Turbulence and Rising Inequality in Mexico


